石油人才网,国内专业的石油求职招聘网站 招聘热线:0755-36517013

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四川宏大 招聘 公共管理(senior staff working in Public RelationsDept)

石油人才网 发布时间: 2017/2/25 8:10:20 文章来源:中国石油人才网

四川宏大公司成立于2011年2月,是一家专业油田技术服务公司,业务涵盖钻井技术、完井技术、油气处理、安全检测评估等,在监督服务、油气处理、水处理、安全检测、安全评估、腐蚀检测、完整性管理等多方面具有突出业绩,公司业务遍布全国各大油田以及中东地区,在行业内具有良好的技术实力及竞争力。国内建立了全面的市场营销网络,全面服务于三大油公司及各大油田;在海外建立了服务基地及办事机构,培养了一支强劲的国际油田技术服务队伍,立足中东市场向全面国际化奋进,力争成为全球领先的油田技术服务公司。应聘该职位 其它职位 更多招聘信息 岗位类别:高级管理 人事经理/主管/总监 其它工作地区:国外 行业:石油、石油化工、石化、润滑油、天燃气 年龄要求:28-50岁学历:本科招聘人数:3名工作经验:7年以上Working in public relations department in ge of staffs’ mobilization and administration office work of the oil field:  Responsible for the the mobilization of the oil field staff .  Responsible for controlling the validity of visas for non-Iraqi employees .  Responsible for obtaining the security permit .  Responsible for receiving and delivering commercial letters .  Responsible for document translation and management .  Responsible for stationery management .  Other works assigned by higher leader.Requirements : 1、Over 7 years' working experience and over 5 years abroad project administration &amp logistic management experience. 2、University graduate or above. 3、Good at speaking, reading, writing in Arabic language. 4、Be able to carry out daily work in English. 5、Good command of Computer skills: familiar with different versions of Windows OS and Office application software 6、Oil relevant major, labor economic, business administration relevant profession background. 7、With good interpersonal communication skill, logical thinking ability, language skill, organizing and coordinating ability, complex issue handling ability. 8、Good command of Chinese. 9、Male. QQ:1020829077@qq.com  Mobile:18613237668

